We are delighted to finally share the Government’s response to Danny Kruger’s report of 2020 here. The response was published on Wednesday, the same day as the Levelling Up White Paper which also reflects many recommendations in the report. You can read that too here.
In their response, the Government promised to undertake a number of actions. These are as follows:
- Work with the Office for National Statistics to measure the social value of civil society
- Pilot new models of community partnership (see ‘Community Covenants’ on p215 of the White Paper)
- Further explore ‘pop-up parishes’ and community improvement districts
- Co-develop a strategy to empower communities in disadvantaged places, including through community ownership (see White Paper p213)
- Support independent social infrastructure (see ‘Strategy for Community Spaces and Relationships’ on p214 of the White Paper)
- Encourage social enterprises to flourish in left-behind places, including the option for a ‘match-trade’ scheme
- Consult on the use of new dormant assets, including the ‘Community Wealth Fund’ option (as on the face of the Dormant Assets Bill)
- Consult on new directions for the National Lottery Community Fund 2022
I hope you are as encouraged as we are that, although much detail is yet to be worked out, including how these initiatives align with the White Paper’s ambition to devolve powers more locally, that we have much to press the Government to deliver.