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A nation is more than the sum of its past

A nation is more than the sum of its past

Critics of the present government’s strategy for ‘levelling up society’ have accused it of trafficking in transactional pork-barrel politics towards working-class voters to whom it owes its resounding victory in December 2019. But the emergence of the New Social...
Stop hedging, start marrying

Stop hedging, start marrying

My grandmother was in many ways an unconventional woman, but having been at different times a doctor, a farmer, and a single mother, she was never less than pragmatic. On one of my regular visits to her care home, in my mid-twenties, she said to me out of the blue:...
The faith of the patriot

The faith of the patriot

I am a British patriot. In late 1982 I was a student, living in Chicago and about to marry a US citizen. I vividly remember, in the weeks before the December wedding, a conversation with two American friends, who casually assumed that I would be settling in the New...